Governance Documents
Woolbeding with Redford Parish Council has adopted, and review annually, the following Governance documents:
All documents have been updated for the May 2022 review to standardise naming, format and layout, the Standing Orders is the only document to have content update).
Standing Orders May 2022 (Update applies to 18: Financial Controls and Procurement)
Remote Meeting Protocol and Procedures 2019 (no longer applicable, document to be archived)
The following is an extract from the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) Governance Toolkit for Parish & Town Councils April 2009
In order to give effect to good governance a parish council should commit time to producing and annually reviewing, their governance documents. These documents set the environment in which a parish council is expected to discharge its duties and powers. They constitute the internal rules, practical arrangements and processes which are essential to those who form and work for the council.
A parish council’s governance documents should be readily available for inspection, whether on a website or local notice board, and parish councillors and employees should be able to demonstrate compliance with its governing documents in relation to all its activities, decisions and decision making processes.
Core governing documents for parish councils comprise:
Standing Orders for the conduct and transaction of business at meetings of the council (and any of it's committees and sub committees).
Clear written terms of reference for committees and sub committees which evidence the nature and extent of the duties or powers which have been delegated.
Arrangements for inspection of minutes and accounts by local residents.
Standing orders and arrangements for the proper administration of it's financial affairs.
Standing orders for entering into contracts.
The code of conduct adopted by the council which Councillors must observe.
Arrangements for access to information held by the council under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Arrangements for handling complaints.
Governing documents may be amended with a view to improving the council’s method and efficiency in conducting its business. It is suggested that the full council carries out an annual review of its governing documents. It is also suggested that resolutions adopting governing documents (or amending them) be phrased in terms of continuing to have effect until superseded by new or amended arrangements. In a year that no changes are made, it would be appropriate to record in the minutes that a review was carried out, in order to demonstrate that the council was continuing to review its governing arrangements.