Parish News

Links to further information are in bold and are underlined. The date is the date posted on this page.


Fernhurst Hub Repair Cafe Sat 19th Oct 10am - 1pm. Don't forget to book your items in

Pilates has Returned to Redford Village Hall!


National Trust Woolbeding Reimagined Open Day on 20/03/2024


Pilates Classes on Tues and Wed mornings at 9:15 in Redford Village Hall

Run by local resident Jenny Palmer, who has been practicing Pilates since 2000. She completed the Classical Pilates training course in early 2013, allowing her to teach all levels of Classical Pilates on all apparatus. £15 drop-in or buy a class pass. More Info 

Taster Foraging Workshops on Sun 7th April and Sat 8th June

If you've always fancied trying your hand at a bit of foraging, Forage Box, who run foraging events all over the country, are running a 2 hour taster foraging workshop setting off from Redford Village Hall, price £25. For more info go to

Rother Valley Way

Creating A Traffic-Free Route, Connecting Communities & Countryside Along The Rother Valley: Newsletter


The AA is advising drivers to "avoid puddles" after a record month for breakdowns caused by potholes.

To Report a Pothole click this link


Public Meeting at 7 pm on Thursday 6 July
Stedham Village Hall
Re: Proposed Luxury Residential Development at St Cuthman’s, Stedham (more info)

 Report Prepared by the Friends of Wispers (aka The St Cuthman’s Campaign Group), a group representing the local community who are keen to see an appropriate development of the Wispers Estate. The report is based upon an analysis of the planning application documents submitted to the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) (read the report) 


To Report a Pothole or Problem with a Road or Pavement click this link


Suffering from the rural cost of living? Make your thoughts known in this household survey:

Click here to find out more

Neighbourhood Watch Crime Prevention Free Webinar Series . We are delighted to invite you to attend our free crime prevention webinars running during February.

Click here to find out more.

To Report a Pothole or Problem with a Road or Pavement click this link


WSCC New Online Reporting Tool for Highways Issues 
WSCC Guide to New Online Reporting Tool 


Have your say on police funding: precept survey 2023/24

This consultation closes on 10th January 2023. 


Milland Contemporary Craft Fair 2022


Hollist Lane will be closed from 17th - 19th May between Dodsley Grove and Buddington Lane.


Vacancy for a Councillor


Power Cuts – Help Available

Too late for this outage, but for future info, SSE have a Priority Service for vulnerable households including those who have medical dependencies, over 60’s and those who are dependent on electricity for their water supply. To register and for more info click here.

SSE have a dedicated website, Powertrack, where you can see planned and unplanned power outages, and you can also report a fault eg a powercut or damage to a line.

This online method, of course, assumes you have power! If not, WSCC libraries offer computers, internets access and WiFi. 



Parish Litter Picking Event to be held on 5th March, meeting at 9:30 am at the Village Hall more info


The next Chichester County Local Forum will be on Tues 1st March 2022. Click for more info. This is an opportunity to meet your local Councillors and discuss local issues. 


Ash Die Back Update from the NT and WSCC

Below is a note from David Elliott of the National Trust about ash die back followed by information from West Sussex County Council on the same subject.

The National Trust has developed a policy for responding to Ash Dieback Disease and has been responding to the disease for the last few years. We carry out annual surveys each summer of the state of dieback of Ash trees in areas where they could pose a safety issue and then phase works on identified trees over the following winter. Although almost of our Ash are very sadly affected not all will be felled, where possible we will leave dead or dying trees for deadwood habitat whilst ensuring we carry out our responsibility for public safety. The disease is unfortunately adding greatly to the workload of our countryside teams, meaning we are having to prioritise other works sometimes, we apologise in advance for this, but we are doing our best. On a personal note I would just add how devastating and sad it is to be living in a time when such an important native species is in such tragic decline. The only possible hope I can have from this terrible situation is that we will all start to value the countryside we are so lucky to have on our doorsteps more than ever and will put ever more effort into doing our best for it and for its wildlife.

WSCC Town and Parish News Special edition August 11 2021

Ash tree disease impacts West Sussex

Ash dieback (ADB) is a devastating disease that has the potential to kill over 95% of West Sussex ash trees over the next 10 - 20 years.

As nearly 21% of all broadleaved trees in West Sussex are ash, this would have a major impact on the county’s landscape, wildlife, and habitats.

Although there is no treatment, a small percentage of ash may be resistant to, or tolerant of, the infection. Survivors can be used for breeding tolerant ash trees for the future.

The County Council is working with district and borough councils, other organisations, and land owners to take a coordinated approach to mitigate potential health and safety risks.

There will be further selective felling of ash trees and reactive work this summer. Phase 2 of the highway survey for ash trees, due to be carried out last year, stalled because of Covid 19 but should restart this year.

In the meantime, alternative approaches will help to fill some of the data gaps. This will help to prioritise inspections.

For more information visit the West Sussex County Council website.

What parish and town councils need to do:

• If you have responsibility for trees, check your tree condition surveys are up to date.

• Know where your ash trees are and, if you have volunteer tree wardens, encourage them to monitor the trees and report regularly.

• Where trees are located near the highway network, or a public right of way, please share this data with the county council: We can then explore opportunities for joined up working to reduce frequency of road and path closures.

• Prepare a plan to manage the impact of ADB – see the Ash dieback toolkit; also the recently published guidance for homeowners and those with ash trees on their land from The Tree Council;

• Be aware that ash trees with tree preservation orders (TPOs) or trees in Conservation Areas will normally still require consent for any works from the local planning authority. Contact the district or borough council tree officer for specific advice.

If you own woodland which contains ash you should be aware that:

• Markets for lower grade timber are available which may help reduce the cost of felling; and,

• There are grants available which can contribute towards the cost of restocking and ongoing management.

For further information on managing your woodland please contact your local Forestry Commission Woodland Officer:

Julian Williams (Chichester, Arun) or Jamie Cunningham (Horsham, Worthing, Crawley, Mid Sussex)


Letter from the Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate Change

WSCC PROW Works Report

WSCC PROW Summer Surface Vegetation Clearance

The Legal Powers of Town and Parish Councils Regarding Access and Rights of Way

WSCC PROW Inspection Areas and Contacts List




Woolbeding Lane Closure on 10.05.2021


NOTICE IS hereby given that in pursuance of the provisions of Section 14(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act, 1984, as amended, the use of (and parking on) Woolbeding Lane, Woolbeding from junction with A272 to junction with Hollist Lane is temporarily prohibited from 10/05/2021 at 09.30 until 10/05/2021 at 15.00

The restriction will be in place off peak only between 09.30 – 15.00

This closure is necessary to allow Balfour Beatty to undertake urgent carriageway pothole repairs on behalf of WSCC

Emergency vehicle, Residential and Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times The alternative route for traffic will be signed on site

This restriction will be effective for a maximum of 5 days from the start date given above

Any queries about the effect of the closure on traffic using the highway please contact West Sussex County Council on 01243 642105

Any queries about the works please contact Balfour Beatty on 01243 642105 Dated 04 May 2021

Matt Davey

Director of Highways, Transport and Planning


Accessibility statement for Woolbeding with Redford Parish Council Website published

Emergency closure of Vann Road to repair leaking stop cock


Woolbeding with Redford Parish Council Remote Meeting Protocol and Procedures

adopted by the Parish Council meeting held on 25/11/2020.


Woolbeding with Redford Parish Council's website DRAFT Accessibility Statement

to be reviewed at the next Parish Council meeting.


Have Your Say on Policing in Sussex 

Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC) Katy Bourne wants you to have your say on policing priorities to ensure your concerns are reflected in her revised Police and Crime Plan.

Mrs Bourne has launched two surveys that will supplement her #TalkSussex programme of virtual public consultations and meetings so that even more residents can have their say in the setting of next year’s policing budget.

PCC Bourne has been working closely with Sussex Police to plan for a range of potential post-Covid funding scenarios and how they might impact on existing plans. 

The pandemic has meant hardship and heartache for many people and put public services under increased pressure, including our police. Mrs Bourne wants to hear what is important to residents to help inform her Police and Crime Plan and spending plans for the next four years. Have your say today by completing the short survey 

The PCC is also reaching out to younger residents with her ‘policing challenge game’, giving them the opportunity to tell her what policing priorities matter most to them by challenging them, in a fun game, to assign ‘priority tokens’ to the eight major strands of Sussex Police’s work in the community.

 She says: “I want to ensure that all local communities are represented in my next Police & Crime Plan. In the past, we know that the majority of responses to our online polls are from residents aged 55 and over so I really want to hear from younger people as well. All views will be reflected in my decision-making and will help shape the future of Sussex Police. Make sure to have your say today.”

 All data will be collated on 10th January and will also be used to inform PCC Bourne’s Police & Crime Plan for 2021/22.

Access the survey and policing challenge game 

Find out more about Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC) Katy Bourne


Redford Village Hall Monthly Market is Back!

Chichester District Council's Warmer Home Grant

Milland Valley Memorial Hall Part-time (paid) opportunity to help the Community


Malaysian Curry Ready Meals

Jacaranda at Home


Volunteer to help find the vaccine for COVID-19 

New WSCC online form for reporting potholes 

Woolbeding Newsletter November 2020


 News from West Sussex County Council


West Sussex Unwrapped

A new series, brought to you by Screen Archive South East and the West Sussex Record Office, offering an enjoyable ten week tour of the historical, celebratory, nostalgic and downright quirky sides of our fascinating county. Delving deeply into the county’s heritage through a multimedia mix of films, photographs, blogs, posters, folksongs, saucy postcards and rare documents that combine into an entertaining and illuminating experience.

Every week from 16th June to 18th August 2020 a new episode will be released.


Milland and coronavirus: Update 11

Milland Volunteers 

Working with Milland Parish Council to help those who are vulnerable or self-isolating. Plus Alerts (tips and messages), information about Businesses, Suppliers and Services operating in the area and delivering to Milland… and don’t forget to sign up for email updates on relevant information, as well as important messages from the Parish Council and other official bodies.

The South Downs Park Authority has set up a useful interactive map of useful goods and services in the wider area.

Midhurst Angels

Self-isolating or vulnerable?

Resident in Midhurst, Easebourne or surrounding villages? In this time of Covid-19, uncertainty and change we want you to know – you are not alone. Midhurst Angels are on hand to support you.

 Useful resources available both locally and online. 

Local businesses that may be able to offer home delivery of food/groceries and also hot food and take-aways.

WSCC Coronavirus update: support for vulnerable residents, access our online library and much more

Information sent on behalf of Neighbourhood Watch: An open letter to the people of Sussex from public service workers makes an emotional plea

Information sent on behalf of Neighbourhood Watch: Thank You To the Public and Businesses and Volunteers For Your Support In the Ongoing Ppe Appeal 


Urgent appeal to Sussex businesses for Personal Protective Equipment 

Does your business have stocks of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) which could help in the fight against COVID-19? Follow this link for more information Neighbourhood Watch Sussex PPE Request.

Information sent on behalf of Neighbourhood Watch

DfE Coronavirus Guidance on Access to Green Spaces (published 27.03.2020)

Chairman's Report from cancelled APM 28.03.2020

WSCC Road Closure Public Notice Vann Road 06/05/20


Haslemere Health Centre Minor Injuries Unit Extends Opening Hours

The Royal Surrey County Hospital has extended Haslemere Minor Injuries Unit hours during the Covid-19 crisis, to prevent people going up to Guildford. The times are given on the Haslemere Minor Injuries website.



Saturday 28th September Redford Village Hall 10:00am-4:00pm


Sunday 13th October 11am start Meet at Redford Village Hall 


What does Midhurst do well? What's not so great? What do you want to see changed?

It can take as little as 5 - 10 mins, gives you a voice and means you can help make a difference to your town. Your answers will be kept anonymous so, whatever you feel, speak out - be heard! Complete the Midhurst Vision Survey

Ash Die Back

Find out about ash dieback, how West Sussex County Council (WSCC) are managing its impact plus information for tree owners: WSCC Ash Dieback


Notice of Parish Council Elections to be held on 02.05.2019

Notice of Election

Notice of Election District Wards


WWI Centenary Commemoration

On Sunday 11th November 2018 a beacon was lit on Redford Village Green to commemorate the end of WWI. This was then followed by a 'period' bangers and mash supper in Redford Village Hall which had been decorated with the help of children from local Hollycombe School and residents memorabilia.

WWI Centenary Commemoration Photo outside the village hall
WWI Centenary Commemoration photo 2 of celebration supper in the village hall
WWI Centenary Commemoration photo 1 of celebration supper in the village hall
WWI Centenary Commemoration photo 3 of celebration supper in the village hall


Concern over Proposed Sand Quarries at The Severals 

At the Parish Council meeting on 28th January there was unanimous concern expressed over the inclusion of the Severals East & West sites as potential sites for sand extraction.   They had been excluded in the initial draft West Sussex County Council's Joint Minerals Local Plan but were included after the planning inspector ordered a review of the supply and demand for soft sand. Consultation ends on 18th March 2019 and residents are encouraged to submit comments. If anyone would like to be more actively involved in the campaign then please contact Adrian Hearle

As a Parish Council we are working closely with Bepton, Midhurst and Stedham as this impacts the wider community.   Bepton are particularly active and are posting news on their website so is the best place to track what is happening: Bepton Parish Council Website.


North Chichester County Local Committee: YOUR VOICE

Save the date for your next local meeting


WSCC: The Met Office have issued a Level 3 - Cold Weather Action

There is a 90% probability of severe cold weather/icy conditions/heavy snow between 0900 on Friday 01 Feb and 0900 on Monday 04 Feb in parts of England. This weather could increase the health risks to vulnerable patients and disrupt the delivery of services.

If you know or look after someone that may be susceptible to the effects of this cold weather period please help make sure that they stay warm and well and check in advance that they are prepared for this cold spell.

 For more information: 


Early Warning Notice - Temporary Traffic Regulation

Brambling Lane, Woolbeding - Proposed start date: 20/12/18


Recruitment is now open for new Sussex Police Officers

Sussex PCC opens community safety fund for local initiatives


Advance notice of a cycling event which will affect roads in and around the parish

Wiggle South Downs 100 Sportive - Sunday 14th October 2018


South Downs Local Plan Update July 2018


Notice of Electors Rights 2018


Walk For Parkinson's - Cowdray, West Sussex


23 September 2018

Important road closure information in and around the county


Message from South Downs National Park Authority

The SDNPA has submitted their local plan to the Secretary of State for examination. The consultation received over 2500 comments from 568 respondents. All comments can be seen here. The SDNPA would like to thank everyone who commented for taking the time to review the plan.


Heathland Fire at Older Hill


Stedham Road Closures


Woolbeding – A Seriously Good Garden for Serious Times


National Rural Crime Survey

It’s three years since the last National Rural Crime Survey revealed the huge cost of crime to rural communities – both financial and in terms of public confidence and fear of crime.

The National Rural Crime Network produced a series of recommendations and, in many areas – including Sussex – the police took steps to improve matters.

Now it’s time to find out what’s changed.

Do you think rural crime has gone up or down in Sussex? Do you feel safer? What’s your view of the police in your community?

This year’s survey went live on April 17, and I urge anyone who lives, works or visits our rural communities to respond and have their voice heard.

In late 2017, Sussex Police appointed Temporary Superintendent Emma Brice and Sergeant Tom Carter as dedicated leads for rural crime, to address the vulnerabilities and crime types which are specific to rural areas.

We know that there are certain types of crime and areas of vulnerability which impact rural communities and businesses differently from those in urban areas.

Alongside other measures, the responses to this survey will help to ensure that Sussex Police meets the needs of our rural communities.

One of the focuses of this year’s survey is whether rural crime continues to be underreported. Three years ago, one in four people who responded to the survey nationally said they didn’t report the last crime they’d been a victim of because they didn’t see the point.

This is uncomfortable thing to hear, for all those involved in protecting rural areas, so it’s important we ask these questions again and find out whether people are more willing to report crime and if they feel safer.

It’s vital that the voice of rural communities is heard by those who can make a difference – from the Police to Government. Please have your say and help us build a clear picture of crime in rural Sussex and to understand the impact it has where you live or work.

The survey is available now at and is open for submissions until Sunday 10 June.

Best wishes

Katy Bourne

Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner

To sign up to my weekly newsletter, visit:


Woolbeding Lane Closure 7-10/5/2018


Find Your Local Post Office. Your local post office opening times and branch services. 


UK Cycling Events are holding the event which will affect roads in and around the parish. Wiggle Sussex Gran Fondo Sportive 2/6/2018


Strengthening local policing 

As your elected Police and Crime Commissioner, one of my responsibilities is to set the budget for policing in Sussex and ensure that, what local people tell me matters most to them, is reflected in the delivery of policing. 

The public tell me that they want to see their financial contributions fund more visible, local policing. They rightly want to feel safe at home, in public spaces, at night time and on the roads. They also expect their police force to be easily contactable when they need to reach them. 

I am delighted to announce that Sussex Police has re-opened officer recruitment which I’m sure, is very welcome news to people across our county. 

Sussex Police is aiming to attract 200 police officers each year for the next four years and I am pleased that this has been made possible by the public’s support to pay more for local policing. 

The majority of Sussex residents who responded to my precept consultation said they were prepared to pay more and I want to see their contributions going into visible and effective local policing. 

I have always maintained that protecting neighbourhood policing is a top priority because it matters so much to local people. It’s about keeping the community in policing and the police in the community, providing a reassuring police presence. 

The additional funding that the rise in the police precept gives us also means the force has to save less money over the coming years so we can protect 476 police posts that would otherwise have been lost. 

As your PCC I will continue to listen to your concerns and ensure you can see the difference that your contributions to policing will make. 

To watch my video on officer recruitment, visit:

To find out more about how your police budget is spent, visit: 

To sign up to my weekly newsletter, visit:


Draft Wealden Heaths consultation

The following does not directly involve our parish however does involve our neighbours so has been included for information.

The South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) and East Hampshire District Council (EHDC) are currently consulting on the Draft Wealden Heaths Phase II Special Protection Area (SPA) Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). The SPA is located partly within East Hampshire District and partly within Waverley Borough. The document provides guidance for applicants where development proposals will result in a net increase in residential development (including Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation) within 400 metres of the Wealden Heaths Phase II Special Protection Area (SPA).

The document sets out the approach that the SDNPA and EHDC will take to help meet the needs for residential uses where the need cannot be met solely outside of the 400 metre buffer zone. It also sets out the circumstances when planning permission is likely to be refused for development within 400 metres of the Wealden Heaths Phase II SPA.

We would therefore welcome your comments on the Consultation Draft SPD. The eight week consultation period will commence on Monday 22 January 2018 and close at 5pm Monday 19 March 2018.

EHDC are managing the consultation and full details, including all the supporting documents, can be found on the EHDC website:

In addition, local libraries and information centres within East Hampshire District will be supplied with copies of the following consultation documents:

Consultation Draft Wealden Heaths Phase II SPA SPD

Statement of SPD Matters and Availability for the SPD

Equalities Impact Assessment Scoping Assessment for the SPD

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) Screening for the SPD

Representations to the consultation can be made in writing to EHDC using one of the following methods:

Through the EHDC online portal:

By email:

By writing in person to:

Planning Policy, East Hampshire District Council, Penns Place, Petersfield, GU31 4EX

Please note that the comments received during this consultation cannot be treated as confidential. Responses will be published on the SDNPA and EHDC website, together with the name and/or organisation name of the respondent.

Only those representations that are made in writing and are received by the EHDC within the eight week period ending at 5pm on Monday 19 March 2018 will be considered.

If you would like any more information on the Consultation draft Wealden Heaths Phase II SPA SPD, then please contact the EHDC Planning Policy team on 01730 234280 or visit the EHDC website at


Local artist, Rachel Redfern, has painted a landscape for the Village Hall.  The unveiling ceremony will take place at the Redford Christmas Party on Saturday 2nd December in the Village Hall.


WSCC Public Rights of Way Map

Interactive map showing rights of way, long distance paths, shorter walks and easy access trails: WSCC Public rights of way iMap


Local Plan Final Consultation

The Pre-Submission version of the South Downs Local Plan opens for public consultation from 26 September to 21 November 2017. This will be the last opportunity for the public to comment before we submit it to the Planning Inspectorate in spring 2018.


Do you know the different ways to contact the police?

From Monday 31 July Sussex Police are launching a Contact Campaign to let the public know the different ways they can contact them depending on their need. Over the coming weeks, the public is being reminded they should call 101, report online or seek an alternative option, when there isn’t a crime in progress or risk to life.  A revised contact card bespoke to each district will be available and shared not just in a downloadable electronic format, but as a postcard that people will be able to pick up in public areas and at events so they can pin it up at home for easy reference.


Hats off to Redford Village Hall fundraisers



Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner announces website offering Safe Space for victims of crime in Sussex. If you’ve been a victim or witness of crime, an online directory of local specialist support services offers a one-stop shop to help you find all the information you need at your fingertips.


SDNP Community Infrastructue Levy Charging Schedule


Village Hall Reopens and Redecoration Steams Ahead

At the end of March Redford Village Hall reopened, just in time for the April monthly market, and the redecoration is well under way.

Over two days determined and jolly teams of painters worked hard, applying sealant to all the newly plastered surfaces before adding the ceiling and wall paint.  Those who turned up on Sunday morning had a good base to work on thanks to the efforts of the Saturday Team. 

What a relief it was NOT to have to paint the window frames though!! Thanks to all this work, the hall is looking fresh and welcoming and almost ready to return to regular use - although there is still work to be done. 

If you feel able to return for another stint – or would like to see what you’re missing out on - a final effort is planned in a fortnight, SATURDAY 22ND AND SUNDAY 23RD APRIL, 10.00AM -2.00PM

Please let a member of the committee know which day you plan to join in.

 Bring along brushes, rollers and trays and a step-ladder if you can. It really speeds things along if everyone can be busy all the time. There will be an element of cleaning up involved too – in good company though!

 Real enthusiasts, who can’t wait that long, should contact Kate 01730 817101 for instructions – and where to find the key!



Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007

Local Government (Parish and Parish Councils) (England) Regulations 2008

Chichester District Council has agreed to undertake a community governance review of the parish arrangements for Woolbeding with Redford with regard to decreasing the number of Parish Councillors that sit on Woolbeding with Redford Parish Council. At present, it has 7 Members but the parish council has requested a decrease to 5 Members.

Section 79 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 allows the Council to undertake a community governance review of the whole or part of its area. The Council is not proposing a major review of parish arrangements within the Chichester District at this time.

The Council is now undertaking the first stage of the review process and residents and interested organisations are therefore asked to give their views on whether they would support the decrease in members from 7 to 5.

Your representations and comments should be sent to:

Electoral Services 

Chichester District Council

East Pallant House

1 East Pallant


PO19 1TY

Alternatively, they may be emailed to

The deadline for any representations to be received is Monday, 27 February 2017.

Any representations received will be considered by the Boundary Review Panel and the decision will be made at the Full Council meeting on 16 May.

Should you require any further information or need clarification on the review process, then please contact the elections office on 01243 521010.

Diane Shepherd

Chief Executive

Chichester District Council

29 January 2017 


Redford Village Hall Update

Facelift for Redford Village Hall after three years fundraising

The long planned renovation work to the Village Hall has started. Scaffolding has been erected, the internal surfaces will be protected and the work will commence.

A local contractor – Creber Builders – has been appointed to carry out the work, which should take a maximum of 12 weeks, subject to weather. 

During this time we would appreciate the car park being left empty for their vehicles and thank you in advance for your co-operation. 

As with any building work there will be some noise and minor disruption, this will be kept to an absolute minimum, and again we thank you for your tolerance and patience.

It is UNLIKELY that there will be a Market in February or March but we will keep you updated – we are planning a Bumper Easter Market when the revamped, warmer and brighter Village Hall should be open for business again. 

If you have any enquiries please contact:

TAG Farnborough Airport Airspace Consultation

TAG Farnborough Airport Airspace Consultation Feedback Report - Part C

Woolbeding with Redford Parish Council Response to TAG Farnborough Airport Additional Airspace Consultation

Trotton with Chithurst Parish Council Response to TAG Farnborough Airport Additional Airspace Consultation

SDNPA Local Plan Update

SDNP Local Plan Newsletter Issue 6 December 2016


Woolbeding with Redford Parish Council met with Southern Water on 6 December 2016 to discuss the recent water outages in Redford. This is Southern Water’s response from the visit. If you have any questions please contact the clerk, Mrs Robinson, 01730 814384.


The Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) Electoral Review of Chichester District Council: Report, Table of Wards & Parishes.


Future of Woolbeding with Redford Parish Council Letter to Electors

Redford News September 2016


The Land and Habitats of Woolbeding with Redford Parish - A Parish Community Survey


Funding boost for Redford Village Hall renovation project


The Parish celebrates the 90th Birthday of Her Majesty The Queen

Redford News May 2016

Redford News February 2016


Boost for Redford Village Hall funds


Photo of James Tabot Baker

James Talbot Baker

18th January 1950 - 31st January 2015

Local businessman and Woolbeding resident, James Talbot Baker, suddenly died of a heart attack on the last day of January. This came as a shock to all who knew him, but most of all to his family.

James and his wife, Helen, moved to Old House, Woolbeding in 1982. They ran their successful tree surgery business, Arboricultural Services  from their home with three long-serving employees. Over the years, Arboricultural Services had some impressive blue-chip (if you’ll forgive the pun) clients: Goodwood Estates, Kerry Packer’s Fyning Estate, Windsor Great Park and on the Longcross Estate in Surrey, owned by Dubai’s ruler, Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum. Recently James had decided to spend more time fishing from his new boat in the Solent while still running the business in a reduced capacity.

James was a true countryman. He loved deer stalking, ferreting, lamping (for rabbits) and riding. He hunted for a season on his horse Alice with The Chiddingfold and Leconfield and in fact, hosted a meet last November, in one of his fields. James passed on his love of the countryside to his children, Emma (born 1984) and Charles (1987). Both children soon inherited his (and Helen’s) love of horses and were active members of the local pony club for whom they evented and played polo. He and Helen have always had dogs and chickens and at one stage a small flock of sheep. More recently, they have developed a passion for Highland cattle, and at one stage had 23 grazing near to home.

James was an active member of the local community and could always be relied upon to turn up at village events. He was a parish councillor for some ten years, starting as one of the youngest in his early thirties!

A popular man, as evidenced by the packed Woolbeding church at his funeral on 20 February, James will be sorely missed by all who knew him.


Photo of Elizabeth Susan Abel Smith, always known as Libbets


1st December 1942 – 7th May 2011

Elizabeth Susan Abel Smith, always known as Libbets, was born on 1 December 1942. Her father was a Hertfordshire landowner and farmer, though the family name was more famously associated with banking. 

Her early life was in London, where she was part of what might be termed the social scene, and learned dress making at this time. She married George Tremlett in 1968. They lived for a time at Park Farm in Milland, and for a short while in Trotton. 

Libbets moved into the Gatehouse, Woolbeding, in 1986 on the breakdown of her marriage. She supported herself with her talent for needle-work combined with an impeccable eye for taste and style.. She was a highly proficient gardener and an avid reader of fiction and biographies. 

Despite poor health she maintained a keen interest and undertook a full part in parish activities, and was a familiar sight at Redford Village Hall events. She was a member of the local NSPCC committee.

She developed serious health problems about ten years ago. Despite her afflictions making her more and more dependant on others for transport, she was ever cheerful and maintained a strong sense of humour. 

She died in her sleep on 7th May. Her funeral was held at All Hallows, where about one hundred and seventy people attended in the little church with an official capacity of eighty, reflecting the love and esteem in which she was held by so many. She was buried at Watton-at-Stone in Hertfordshire, but we at Woolbeding will have the porch curtains and the altar-rail kneelers, all made by Libbets, to remember her by. 

She is survived by her daughter, Lucinda, and her son, William, and four grandchildren. 


Photo of Ted Gazsher


10th December 1912 - 9th January 2011

Sadly, Ted Glazsher passed away on Sunday 9th January 2011. He was born at Swallows Bottom on 10 December 1912 and had lived there virtually all his life with his sisters, Vi and Vera, who passed on some years ago.